Monday, November 16, 2015

#backtothefuture The Blogger's Daily Diary - Sunday

Are there lessons that we can learn from things that have happened in the past? I am sure there are!

It's seems to be quite natural and normal to have a fascination with the past. This fascination with past life is both wonderful and exciting! So back to the past or 'Back to the future' might be a more appropriate title as we celebrate it's 25th anniversary. 

It has been famously said that "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”. This quote was originally attributed to George Santayana, however,  Winston Churchill seems to be the one who made the statement famous. If my research is correct I think that the statement originally was: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

So what lessons can we learn from the history of our area? It would be interesting to get feedback from some of our older readers as I am sure they can recall many things from which we can learn important lessons. 

Here is one local incident near to where I live that can teach us some important lessons. West Kirkby on the Wirral has a Victorian promenade, flanked by the West Kirby Marine Lake that permits boats to sail even at low tide. The original wall was built to create the lake in 1899 but suffered a catastrophic leak in 1985. A new lake was then constructed on the site which is wider than previously and allows better sporting opportunities. What can we learn from this?

Man made things don't last for ever? 
Sometimes things happen when we least expect them!
We need to be aware of the condition of things so that we can make changes when necessary. 

Anyone who reads this blog regularly will know that my aim is to heighten awareness of the human condition of sin and the provision of salvation through Jesus Christ. Any sober reflection on the human condition would need to conclude that we are flawed. No one is perfect 'all have sinned and come short of the glory of God'1. Like the wall of the marine lake we may not notice any deterioration but it becomes obvious over time and the end result is disaster. Again the bible states 'the wages of sin is death'2. 

Can our condition be rectified? Indeed it can for the bible also states that 'Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners'3. It make the method of repair simple when it says 'if confess our sins, he (God) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness,'4. 

Bible Quotations
1. Romans 3:23
2. Romans 6:23
3. 1 Timothy 1:15
4. 1 John 1:9


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