Finding The Missing Peace

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Where will it all end?


Are you frightened about the state of the world at the moment? Many people find it very scary, as every day brings another disaster. Murder seems to be so commonplace! Daily, we hear of someone else going on the rampage and killing people! Individual acts of terrorism are on the increase, resulting in the tragedy of people being deprived of their loved ones by an act of violence. Yesterday's events seem so long ago as we wake up to hear of another tragic evil act being perpetrated.

I find it all very distressing, and sadly, I can see the inevitability of how the world is going. The Bible teaches that conditions in society will get worse and worse as time progresses. Paul, an old man, wrote to Timothy, a young man – ‘but understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with deceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness but denying its power,’ 2 Timothy 3:1-5. I think what the Bible says in these verses is staring us in the face. Do you recognize a description of our society?

If we reject the moral compass of the Bible, there are ultimately consequences. In effect, morality becomes subjective and personal. There is no absolute standard of right and wrong. Everyone does what is right in his or her own eyes. This is not a new problem. It happened in Bible times and many times since, but every time it happens, the results are disastrous. The old book says ‘there is a way that seems right to a man but its end is the way of death,’ Proverbs 14:12. 


Friday, October 11, 2024

Benny Paret

Benny Paret was born Bernardo Paret in 1937 in Santa Clara, Cuba. He took up boxing as a Welterweight and fought 50 fights, winning 35 of them.

Paret won the World Welterweight title in the early nineteen sixties before defending it against Emile Griffith, who knocked him out in the thirteenth round. Paret won it back in a rematch and was knocked out by the middleweight Gene Fullmer only two months later. Although Paret had recently taken a lot of punishment, another contest with Griffith was booked for Madison Square Garden, New York, on Saturday, March 24th 1962. Paret nearly knocked out his opponent in the sixth round, but he was saved by the bell.

It was the twelfth round that was to cast a dark shadow over the world of boxing and the lives of those involved. The twelfth round seemed somewhat tame when Griffith backed Paret into a corner, unleashing a tremendous flurry of punches to Paret’s head. He became dazed by this and could not defend himself, but the referee allowed the fight to continue, with Griffith laying on the punches. Paret’s wife,  watching the fight on a television in a nearby hotel, was screaming at the screen for the fight to be stopped. After 29 consecutive punches, including Paret being knocked through the ropes, the referee finally stopped the fight. Paret collapsed in the corner and fell into a coma. He died ten days later from massive brain haemorrhaging.


Thursday, October 10, 2024


There is a story told, and is said to be true, from the early days of aviation.  In those pioneer days planes flew from airfield to airfield to refuel and they could only carry a limited amount of aviation fuel.  One pilot was making a flight around the world and had landed at an airfield for more fuel.  He then set off and after two hours heard some strange noises inside the plane.  As he listened he realised, to his horror, that somehow a rat had got onto the plane at the last stop and was gnawing at the inside of the aircraft.  

He knew this was a very dangerous situation because if the rat gnawed through some vital cable or control on the plane then the likelihood of crashing was very high.  He was in serious trouble and was two hours away from his last stop and had nearly two hours to go to reach the next destination.  At first the pilot didn’t know what to do and felt deeply concerned and anxious. Then he remembered that a rat was a rodent and was not made for heights.  Rats live on the ground and even under the ground and not thousands of feet in the air.  The pilot started to take his plane on a climb upwards.  He reached a thousand feet, then ten thousand and eventually at twenty thousand feet the gnawing stopped.

Saturday, October 05, 2024

David Butler

David Butler, who died in 2022, was in many ways a remarkable man.  He was often on television, especially at times of elections, and was blessed with mathematical skills.  As a young boy he spent a lot of time looking at cricket scores and working out batting averages and relished the dates, events and results of cricket matches.  

He came from an intellectually bright family.  His cousin was the well known politician Rab Butler who held many government offices, his father was a Latin professor and his maternal grandfather was the historian, A.F. Pollard.  David did well at school and eventually got a university degree from New College, Oxford.  His time at university was interrupted by the war and he became a tank commander with the Staffordshire Yeomanry and was part of the allied forces that crossed the River Rhine.

He certainly lived an interesting life but is best known for inventing a new science known as psephology.  This derived from the Greek word for ‘pebble’ and came from the ancient practice of the Greeks where pebbles were used to cast their votes. His science was essentially to analyse voting trends and to predict election results. This he did initially on the very first televised election broadcast by the BBC and he did that sort of work until 1979.
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