Finding The Missing Peace

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Lesson from 'The Sun'

Recently, I heard a quote from a preacher who lived in the 1800s. His name was Charles Spurgeon. He loved the Bible and preached thousands of sermons from it. But more importantly, he loved the God of the Bible and believed in Him. 

I heard a quote about the Sun. Charles Spurgeon believed it was a significant part of God’s incredible creation. 

It is an incredible fact that the Sun, which our planet orbits, is 15 million degrees Celsius at its core and a mere 5,500 degrees Celsius at its surface. This vast, enormous ball of glowing gas produces more energy in 1.5 millionths of a second than all 7 billion humans will use in one year. Yet when we consider our planet, the poles are frozen, and the equator is almost too hot to live on, but we live on bands of the earth with the right temperature for life. If our planet was closer to the Sun, we would all burn up; if we were further away, we would all freeze. God has placed the world in precisely the right position for life. 


Sunday, September 08, 2024

Coffee Chat

Two men, Mike and Graham, were talking together over a cup of coffee. Mike was telling Graham about how his brother had just died suddenly and had left a house full of junk that had to be cleared away.

“There was nothing of value there,” said Mike, “Stuart was always a bit of a hoarder and would never throw anything away. Magazines, books, records, Stu had hundreds of them.” Graham, who was a collector at heart, pricked up his ears.

“Books?” he said, feeling curious, “I don’t suppose he had any old books.”

“Oh there were plenty of old books,” came the reply, “but I’d never heard of half of them.”

“Really?” said Graham.

“Yes. There was one scruffy old thing – a Bible – somebody named Guten- something had printed it, but it was in some sort of old English that I couldn’t read”

“Not Gutenberg!” exclaimed the book lover in horror. “That Bible was one of the first books ever printed.  Why, a copy of it recently sold for over two million pounds.”

“Well this one wouldn’t,” said Mike with conviction. “It was ruined.  Somebody called Martin Luther had scribbled all over it in German.”

I doubt if this story is true – although perhaps it is.  After all, people so often have something of worth within their grasp and fail to realise its true value. A Gutenberg Bible would indeed be a much sought-after prize and would sell at a very high price.

But what, at the end of the day, determines value? The Bible in our story would have a great value but only because somebody, somewhere, truly wanted it for its rarity or its antiquity.  Something’s worth is represented by what someone is willing to give for it.

So if you want to find something of true worth, just go and look in the mirror.  For God places a great value on you as an individual.  The Bible – not just a Gutenberg, but any Bible – tells us that God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son.  Although the verse speaks of the world as a whole, the giving was on a personal level.  God gave His Son to die a shameful death on the cross because He loved and valued you and me as an individuals.

I repeat what I said earlier - Something’s worth is represented by what someone is willing to give for it.  If God gave His Son for you, think how precious you are to Him.


All photos courtesy of Unsplash 


Saturday, September 07, 2024

Future proof living

Do you have any plans for today, the next few days, weeks, months or later on in the year? What are you looking forward to most? Do you have a special birthday coming up? Do you have an engagement party or a wedding to look forward to, maybe? Do you have a holiday planned? 

Where does God fit in to any plans that you have made for a future date? I once heard this excellent advice a few years ago: “Plan as if Christ’s return were years away but live as if it were today.” Can I ask how do you respond to that advice? 

It was Benjamin Franklin who said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” He also said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” These are wise words and reinforce the quote I have already shared with you. 

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Hate and it"s consequences


You don’t wonder at the deep shock and sadness, even outrage and horror, that gripped our nation when the awful riots and destruction took place, which affected many parts of our country recently. The attack and cruel murder of little girls in Southport caused bitter grief and many tears to those who were affected and to many of us, far and near, who felt the tragedy of it. How unbelievable it is that such grief was overtaken by rioting and senseless destruction fuelled by misinformation and lies spread by peddlers of hate.


Wider society had to pay a high price for the wickedness of others. Controlling it and then cleaning up the mess used resources that could have benefitted the society that is still suffering in many places.


Hatred is volatile and unpredictable. You have probably seen it yourself. It can lead to so much damage and loss. Love is the opposite. Hatred wants to hurt and destroy. Love wants to protect and give unselfishly, not to be confused with lust, which selfishly wants to seize and get.


The Bible tells us that God is love—that is His very nature. But God hates certain things because of the harm they do. For example, in the Book of Proverbs, chapter 6, we are told of seven things the Lord hates, the last of which is “sowing discord among others.” It's sad to say that we’ve just seen that in action.


We know that a God of love must hate evil. He hates the wrong things we do and our sins but still loves us deeply. In fact, He loves us all so much that He gave His own Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins on a cruel cross so that we might be forgiven and saved forever from their consequences. By putting your faith in Him, you can receive the gift of salvation He offers you now.

Written by a guest blogger

All photos courtesy of Unsplash

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