The Gospel of John presents the Lord Jesus Christ as the eternal Son of God and as “the Word”. In John ch 1 v1& 2 he said, “in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God”. He uses this title on four occasions each one directing us to a specific location. In the verse above he directs us to heaven and the pre-incarnate existence of the Son, along with the Father and the Holy Spirit. John ch 1 verse 18 says “no man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared Him.” And John 4 v 24 “God is a Spirit”
Does God Care about us? Stephen points out that God has time for each one of us. He cares about each one of us personally, we simply need to come to Him.
Does God Care?
This time of the year can be a lonely time for many people! Everyone has their family, or do they? There are a lot of people about who are very private and keep themselves to themselves. They would not trouble anyone with their problems and would not presume that anyone else is interested.
I have news for anyone who is reading this who thinks like that. I know someone who is interested in you; the Lord Jesus. He is recorded as saying in the Gospel of John – ‘I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly‘.
Jesus is Interested in You
The Lord Jesus is personally interested in each one of us. For no other reason than He wants the best for us! If you doubt that then read one of the four Gospels in the New Testament part of the Bible. The record about Jesus says that ‘He went about doing good‘. For three years for He dispensed the blessing and forgiveness of God to the people He met. He healed them both physically and spiritually. By doing this He was proving that God is interested. That God is caring! That God has time for you! Even His amazing miracles demonstrate that God cares. The one who can heal the body can save the soul!
Come to Jesus
You can come to Him quietly, by praying to Him, wherever you are. We have all sinned against God and need His forgiveness. When we agree with God that we have disobeyed His commandments and ask for His forgiveness then He will forgive.
Contact me if you are not sure how to come to Jesus.
Why and How Should I Come to Jesus?
Why and How you may ask?
Why – because we are in danger. God is just and must judge wrong. Our wrongdoing has consequences because breaking God’s law is damaging. Just as fire burns so sin hurts and has ongoing consequences. This is why we need God’s help. The Bible states that God ‘is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance‘.
How – God can save us from the consequence of sin because His Son, Jesus died on the cross for our sins. The Bible says ‘Christ died for the ungodly‘. He died for you, and I, and can forgive us because He took the punishment for sin. Jesus was sinless and so was qualified to pay the price on our behalf.
You Will be Forgiven
When you trust Lord Jesus Christ with your life and soul you will be forgiven – why not believe today? It works – He saved me and has been part of my life for fifty two years now.

Stephen Baker
You can listen to podcasts from Stephen’s program, “Life Questions,” by clicking here. We encourage you to visit Stephen’s website at:, where you can access podcasts and videos explaining the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
Contact Info
Life is full of questions and often the answers are difficult. Stephen Baker seeks to answer various questions about life and faith using the Bible as his only source. Listen to Stephen’s show, “Life Questions,” on HopeStreamRadio as he tackles the challenge of life questions.
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Lonely woman – geralt
Woman on Train – cocoparissiene
Praying Woman – Pexels
Read Bible – Free-Photos
Bible Reading Plan – BibleReading