Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Magical Monday

Today is the start of a working week for most people. For me, it is meant to be a day of rest after a busy weekend. Well it wasn't!

Carole left for Ballymena at 7.35 am, I did the food shopping in Tesco's at 8.30 am after dropping her at the Airport. How dizzy can you get burling (I think that is a good Scottish word) around a supermarket looking for eggs, then pancakes, chicken - I'll stop or you'll know what I'm making for tea each night this week. Supermarket shopping is stressful - ladies your skills are amazing. 

The rest of the day was spent completing church accounts, writing letters, visiting the bank, the Post Office, dealing with a painter, visiting a sick friend and answering the phone time and time again. Relaxing, no!!!

At the end of the day it was probably what you all do on Mondays but for me - I had hoped for a relaxing day. Och well, maybe next week. Oh no, I'm off to Lossiemouth next Monday so that's another one gone. 

It's just as well I love this work. I serve the best of bosses - the Lord Jesus Christ, so I really mustn't complain. I had one great phone conversation today. My friend, Tom, phoned to ask what it meant to be yoked to Jesus. Do you know the answer? Jesus said, as recorded in Matthew 11:29 'take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls'. Now that got me thinking. To be yoked to or harnessed together with the Lord Jesus means you serve with him, you are linked to him as you work and He taught that working with Him means rest for your soul and that He is gentle to work with. 

That makes a days work so much easier but it only applies to people who are saved through faith in Jesus Christ. I hope it makes you think, it did in my case!

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