Friday, May 06, 2022

Why do we die?

The Bible states that 'it is appointed unto men once to die'. This most obvious of facts is among the most distressing things that we human beings face. I have a friend who committed suicide just before Christmas about ten years ago - why I can guess but I do not really know. Shortly after that one of my contacts in Liverpool found that her partner's nephew has been found dead in his flat. 

Death comes to us all but why?

The Bible tells us why. It is because of sin. 

The Bible states that we die because we were born into a fallen race. The first man, Adam, brought 'sin into the world and death by sin'. 

We also are all in the habit of sinning and the Bible states 'sin, when it is finished bringeth forth death'. We all sin, fail, hurt, lie, disobey etc, and therefore the moral and physical result is death.

But Jesus said 'I am come that they might have life'. 

How can that be true? We all still die! That is true physically but when a person comes to Jesus, by confessing our sin and asks him for forgiveness, they receive eternal life. The Bible says 'He that hath the Son hath life'. God promises in his word, The Bible, that 'he that cometh to me I will no wise cast out'. The Lord Jesus said 'come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest'.

This is actually only possible because 'Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners'. The Bible puts it like this 'The Father (God) sent the Son (Jesus) to be the Saviour of the world'.

Amazing! God intervened to solve the human tragedy of death but His only course of action legally was for someone else to die in my place. The only person who qualified was Jesus. His death was voluntary because death had no claim on him, He could not sin, and did not, which is why death had no claim on him. The Lord Jesus willingly died to save me from eternal death in Hell and the Lake of Fire.

What about you will trust the one who can deliver from the 'fear of death'?

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