Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The Battle is on!

All Photographs courtesy of Unsplash

The fight against coronavirus continues unabated, and the war may not be over for some time yet. Everyone who is contributing to it deserves our sincere thanks and needs a place in our daily prayers. We have our part to play too, of course, obeying the rules to stop the spread of infection, and doing what we can to help, alongside what others are doing in a big way, devotedly and sacrificially.


We remember NHS staff risking their lives on the front line for the sake of those who are ill. Sadly this week more doctors and nurses working in UK hospitals have died, as have many more across the world. Words often quoted from the Bible come to mind: “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lays down his life for his friends.” 
Behind the front line, as in all warfare, there is much necessary back up. Many technicians carefully carry out thousands of tests every day, and teams of scientists are concentrating their skills to research the virus and develop vaccines. People are hard at work manufacturing equipment to protect and save lives, others diligently cleaning and disinfecting premises, others driving vital transport links, while out here we are glad of those who ensure our food supplies, our post deliveries, our bin collections, and our general wellbeing.
A huge thank you to them all, and that not only on a Thursday at 8pm! Surely we will remember their efforts and their sacrifices long after this. But sad to say, it’s very easy to forget when things get better!
We don’t forget, do we, the great sacrifice that Christ made for us on the Cross? Over Easter weekend, millions of Christians across the world, perhaps in a more restricted way than usual, were remembering how “Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day, according to the scriptures.” (1 Cor 15.3-4). These ancient scriptures had promised that a Saviour would come into the world, and He came. They said that He would die for the sins of others, and He did. They said He would rise from the dead, and He did. They say He is coming again, and He will.
The battle for our souls was fought and won at Calvary, with no back-up or helper. On that “old rugged cross” our Lord Jesus, all alone, paid in blood the ultimate price for our salvation. He cried, “It is finished!” In that empty tomb we see His amazing victory over sin and Satan, over death and hell.  Through faith in Him we share that victory, for He is alive today, exalted “a Prince and a Saviour”, and coming again soon!

Behold the Man upon a Cross,

My sin upon His shoulders;

Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice

Call out among the scoffers.

It was my sin that held Him there

Until it was accomplished;

His dying breath has brought me life –

I know that it is finished.


Can you sing this one from your heart?

Lest I forget Gethsemane!

Lest I forget Thine agony!

Lest I forget Thy love for me,

Lead me to Calvary!


We mustn’t forget those who are doing so much for us all during these difficult days. And those of us who know and love the Lord Jesus can’t forget Him. We want to remember Him, not just at Easter weekend but more often all the time. Let’s not forget to thank Him again today.

Written and used by kind permission of Bert Cargill, Scotland



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