When it is cold - we complain that the weather is terrible and wonder why we do not live in a hotter climate.
When it is hot - we wonder why we ever moaned and often find that the heat is more than we can cope with.
Are we ever happy we all ask each other!
The problem is one of contentment. It is great when you meet someone who is truly content and happy. Funnily enough contented people are often the ones who do not have a lot of this world's goods. They have found peace in spite of what they have, not because of what they have.
How about you and me; are we content? When the Lord Jesus Christ was on this planet he was content. He knew that he was facing certain death (in fact, he knew before he left heaven for earth, that he would be crucified) but he talked about his 'joy' being in his disciples (John 15:11) and his wish was for his disciples 'joy' to be full.
The Lord Jesus came into the world 'that we might have life' and the Bible expressly states that Jesus did not come to 'condemn the world' but 'that the world through him might be saved'.
Can I ask you a question? Do you know this type of contentment and joy? If not; you can do. For the Bible states that 'whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved'.
Why not bow your head and speak to God about it now!
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