Friday, April 26, 2013

Weekly Update

Here I am in the ancient city of Salisbury. The week has flown and I will be heading up the road to Liverpool tonight.

It has been quite an eventful week. Our radio show team (for the Living Hope Show) was put under a lot of pressure on Monday night. The Internet service on the University campus failed during our broadcast. This caused various problems in terms of getting songs and prerecorded items on the program at the right time. On top of this the recording software cancelled our recording of the show when the Internet failed. 'The best-laid schemes o'mice and men gang aft agley' (translation- often go awry) - to quote the Scottish Poet - Robert Burns. Learning to trust God in the every day circumstances of life is a big lesson. Understanding my need to trust him as the Saviour God is essential for my eternal well being.

I have been talking to children in various schools over the week. This was quite interesting in light of the debate on Google plus via the Daily Mail feed about Prof Dawkins claim that to teach children morals from the bible or to teach them religion at all is evil. The word of God says in
Pro 22:6 'Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it'. The training should be about good things for the good and benefit of the child i.e. preparation for life and indeed preparation for eternity.

Salisbury is quaint English city. Walking around it you get a strong feeling of history and the awareness  that rural England is just somewhere round the corner. Very pleasant.

I hope your week went well.


All posts have the aim of pointing people to Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour or to aid Christian growth and development.

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