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8th May 2020 marked the seventy-fifth anniversary of ‘VE Day’, when World War Two ceased in Europe. It was a good day for the civilian people of that continent. All, whether on the winning or the losing side, were relieved that the bombing was over, that their loved ones who had gone off to fight and had survived would be returning home, and that the privations they had endured for years would begin to recede.
Many years later, a lady spoke of that day, and recounted that 8th May happened to be the birthday of her little sister. The child had no memory of a peacetime birthday, and when she saw the crowds in the streets, the flags and bunting hanging from buildings, heard the singing, and sensed the euphoria, there was, to her, only one explanation: everyone was out to celebrate her birthday! Her older sibling fondly recalled: "She thought it was all for her!"
There is a far greater peace than the one celebrated 75 years ago: the peace brought about by the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Son, when He died upon the cross at Calvary. In Isaiah 53.5 we read, "He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed": He suffered the awful stroke of Divine judgment for us, in order that we might be delivered from the punishment we deserve for our sins, and have peace with God. He did the work fully, rose from the dead, and is exalted at God’s right hand, in Heaven. Everyone who turns from his or her sins and trusts in Him receives forgiveness, and comes into the great blessing of peace with God: "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" Romans 5.1.
As the years passed, that young girl came to realise her mistake: that, actually, the festivities were not for her. When it comes to the great salvation resulting from Christ’s death, many make the opposite mistake, and say, "It’s not for me". The girl’s mistake did not do her any harm; it may have caused her mild embarrassment, at most. In contrast, if you think God’s salvation is not for you, and you refuse it, the consequences for you are very serious: to be forever in the Lake of Fire. We urge you, like Paul, to believe in your heart that "the Son of God … loved me, and gave Himself for me" Galatians 2.20, and trust Him as your Saviour. If you do, your joy will far eclipse the gladness of that girl on that day, and, unlike her, it will not be based on a misunderstanding, but on the truth of God’s Word. In Romans 9.33 we read, "Whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed"; that is, all who put their trust in Him will not be disappointed (by discovering that what they believed was untrue). You can fully trust His word: "He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life" John 6.47.
Used by permission of Assembly Testimony Publications
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