Thursday, July 28, 2011

Norwegian Crisis - a killing Christian!

What type of person claims to be a Christian and then completely violates the teaching of Christ. The killings in Utoya and Olso last week were not the actions of a man following Christ. Anders Breivik may make these claims but they do not stack up against the words of Jesus Christ.

The Lord Jesus taught the we should 'love your enemies, do good to them which hate you'. Loving your neighbour is another major tenant of the teaching of Christ. In the gospel of John chapter thirteen the Lord Jesus states 'greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends'. The greatest proof of love is self sacrifice. This can be seen in war, in families, in romance, in great periods of unrest and hardship.

The ultimate sacrifice was made by the man who spoke the words noted above. His sacrificial death was not for his friends but for those who count themselves as His enemies. That is, you and I. All of us are by nature in conflict with God and opposed to Him. We want our own way. God however, commends His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.

You can come into the benefit of the grace of God and the forgiveness of sins when you pray and confess your need of salvation and accept the gift of God which is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

May God bless you today.

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