Friday, September 14, 2012

Busy Summer

It is over a month since I wrote a blog. Apart from going on a guilt trip I can't believe how the time has flown. The summer while not good for weather was excellent and exciting for me in so many other ways. I visited Cornwall to work with a Christian Youth Camp for a week, my wife and I went to Scotland for a week while I conducted Bible Studies at Family Holiday week. 

Locally where we live we ran a weeks Holiday Bible Club and enjoyed once again telling children about the love of God and the great Saviour that we have.

After all that I wonder how many people this summer took advantage of the opportunity to turn from their wrongdoing (we all do wrong) and to confess Jesus Christ as Lord. We as Christians pray constantly that people will do this.

There is an ancient saying in the Bible - "the harvest is past, the summer is ended and we are not saved". I trust that saying doesn't apply to you.

Have a good week.


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