Monday, November 21, 2016

Bad weather predicted!

No one likes to hear that the forecast is not good. Whether it is a business forecast, a weather forecast or a forecast of the outcome of treatment when faced with illness. It is news we do not want to hear.

Can I point to you to the words of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is recorded in Matthew chapter 11 verse 28 that He said 'Come to me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest'. The scriptures explain that He, the Lord Jesus, came 'to preach the gospel to the poor' that is more than financially poor, that he was sent to 'heal the broken hearted', to 'preach deliverance to the captives', and 'recovering of sight to the blind' and to 'set at liberty them that are bruised'.

If you fit any of these categories the Lord Jesus came to help you. If you are spiritually poor, broken hearted, spiritually blind and bruised He can help you.

How is it possible. It's all because of His death on the cross. He suffered the just for the unjust to bring us to God. Will you admit your need, confess your sin, acknowledge His authority and come to Him. He alone can give rest. He conquered death and rose from the dead and those who trust Him alone pass from death to life.

May God bless you,


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