Sunday, June 18, 2017

Are people generally nice?


A friend of mine is in Denmark at the moment and commented on a Facebook post about how courteous and helpful people are as he travels the world. He stated 'I travel an awful lot both for work and pleasure and I can safely say virtually everyone I come across is kind, supportive and wants to help. People at train stations, airports and hotels here in Denmark (just finished a conference) are premier league in this area. But in my experience, it’s not just people ‘serving’ who are like this but fellow travellers too. So why do that tiny tiny tiny percentage of people try to ruin a beautiful society? You know who I mean; people on a bridge in London and a Manchester arena. It would be great to know what is in their minds…then help them change it. They would see a wonderful world….in my opinion'. 


Here is my reply. You may not agree but it's a topic that we need to consider as we increasingly face violent men and a turbulent society. 

I am not so sure that it's just a tiny percentage. Thankfully the majority don't allow their sinful nature to take them to the degree of selfishness and cruelty that we have seen demonstrated recently in London and Manchester. The scriptures, Jeremiah 17:9, teach that 'the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked'. The same scripture states 'who can know it?'  So you are right we cannot understand the depths of wickedness that potentially lies in the heart of all humanity. This is case because we have all 'sinned and come short of the glory of God,' Romans 3:23. 

We only need to look at the constant need to teach order and civil obedience and to legislate against wrong to see the natural bias of all people is to be selfish. 

Children never need to be taught to do wrong, we train them to be good people and rightly so. 

God alone searches the heart and promises a new heart [the heart is morally the seat of the will, choices and emotion. The promise is made on the basis of the sacrifice of Messiah for sin - 'Messiah (Christ) died for our sins according to the scriptures,' 1 Corinthians 15:3] to those who seek Him and trust Him.

You are so right that this is a wonderful world and we are blessed that so many people see it as such but we mustn't be blind to the reason behind the depravity that exists in the hearts of humanity. 

There is a solution but it doesn't lie within the human heart. 

Incidentally a high percentage of people live in quite a horrible world, we who have wealth at our disposal are often closeted from the reality of the pain that billions face on a daily basis. I must stop. I trust that you continue to have a pleasant trip. 

Kind regards. 



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